
1. The Death on Brown Street

The Project “The Death On Brown Street” follows a Detective named Joe Elmer who the player plays as, investigating a crime scene at a run down, old and messy diner by the name, “Charlie’s”. The world is set in a 1950s Urban American location with a “noir”-esque style to the environment where core assets, clues and objectives are coloured, however the majority of the environment outside of this is black, whites and shades of greys. The story follows the owner being murdered by two potential suspects: Roy Wilson, a man out for revenge on Charlie Anderson after the hit and run 20 years previously where a drunk Charlie killed Roy’s then girlfriend, Mary Baker. Phyliss Moore, the waitress is a victim of Charlie’s PTSD, violence and abuse, after years of putting up with it and dosing him with sleeping pills to subdue his anger on the long boring nights at the lonely diner, she decides to end it tonight by overdosing Charlie with the same sleeping pills. The player can discover the whole story through the use of clues, dialogue lines, and final newspaper popup once the game is completed by the player.

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- Anthony Edward Bullimore

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